The Pride of Pocola traveled to McAlester to compete on the OSSAA Southeast Regional Marching Contest on Wednesday, October 10. The band received a Superior Rating for their field performance. This marks the third year in a row that the Pocola High School Marching Band has received a superior rating from the OSSAA.
The PHS Color Guard also participated in Solo and Ensemble competition and earned the following ratings:
PHS Guard - Ensemble Performance - SUPERIOR RATING
Kayla Baukman - Solo Performance - SUPERIOR RATING
Kailee Caldwell - Solo Performace - SUPERIOR RATING
Charro Coady - Solo Performance - SUPERIOR RATING
Kaylee Garrett - Solo Performance - SUPERIOR RATING
Taylor Moore - Solo Performance - SUPERIOR RATING
Kaysen Sites - Solo Performance - SUPERIOR RATING
All performances have qualified to compete in the Lawton Superior Marching contest on October 24. Lawton Superior is only open to groups who earn a superior rating at their OSSAA Regional Contest, and serves as a "State Level" style event.
Congrats to all of these students for their hard work!